Results for 'Elena Galán Fajardo'

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  1. Internet y los nuevos consumidores: el nuevo modelo publicitario.Cristina del Pino Romero & Elena Galán Fajardo - 2010 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 82:55-64.
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    La protección de los derechos humanos en la justicia penal internacional: el caso particular del Tribunal Penal Internacional para la ex-Yugoslavia en relación con el derecho consuetudinario y el principio de legalidad = The protection of human rights in international Criminal Justice: the particular case of the international criminal tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in relation to customary law and the principle of legality.Elena C. Díaz Galán & Harold Bertot Triana - 2018 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 29:70-100.
    RESUMEN: La labor del Tribunal Penal Internacional para la Ex-Yugoslavia tuvo un momento importante en la compresión del principio de legalidad, como principio básico en la garantía de los derechos humanos, al enfrentar no sólo el derecho consuetudinario como fuente de derecho sino también diferentes modos o enfoques en la identificación de este derecho consuetudinario. Esta relación debe ser analizada a la luz de las limitaciones que tiene el derecho internacional y, sobre todo, de los procedimientos de creación de normas. (...)
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    El sistema iberoamericano y los derechos humanos: una atmósfera favorable en el quehacer de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos.Elena C. Díaz Galán - 2021 - Araucaria 23 (46).
    The Ibero-American Conference is a forum for dialogue, consultation and cooperation in which the observance of human rights is an essential principle. These rights are an area of action of the Ibero-American system. The instruments adopted by the Conference and other Ibero-American instances provide political and legal indications in the field of human rights that must be developed through initiatives, actions, programmes and agendas of cooperation. Social rights deserve special attention at the Ibero-American Summits. All this should have an influence (...)
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  4. Internet y los nuevos consumidores. El nuevo modelo publicitario.Cristina Del Pino & Elena Galán - 2010 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 82:1-9.
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    Differential Analysis of Psychopathological Impact of Cyberbullying in University Students.Elena Felipe-Castaño, Benito León-del-Barco, Ma Isabel Polo-del-Río, Santiago Mendo-Lázaro, Teresa Gómez-Carroza & Fernando Fajardo-Bullón - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Measuring Responsibility and Cooperation in Learning Teams in the University Setting: Validation of a Questionnaire.Benito León-del-Barco, Santiago Mendo-Lázaro, Elena Felipe-Castaño, Fernando Fajardo-Bullón & Damián Iglesias-Gallego - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Musical Training in Congenital Hearing Impairment. Effects on Cognitive and Motor Skill in Three Children Using Hearing Aids: Pilot Test Data.Sara Ghiselli, Elena Ciciriello, Giovanni Maniago, Enrico Muzzi, Sandra Pellizzoni & Eva Orzan - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Injustice by Design.Elena Ruíz & Ezgi Sertler - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Systemic epistemic failings in institutions are often explained through settler epistemologies and settler colonial frameworks that both obscure and reproduce the conditions necessary for those failings to endure. What is never questioned in the standard picture of institutional epistemic injustice is the implicit origin myth of an ‘institutional big bang’ that spawned many modern social institutions out of presumably noble orienting goals for a well-functioning society in democratic nation-states. We are concerned with the functional outcomes of institutions in settler colonial (...)
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    Target-Target Perceptual Similarity Within the Attentional Blink.Ivan M. Makarov & Elena S. Gorbunova - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Three experiments investigated the role of target-target perceptual similarity within the attentional blink. Various geometric shapes were presented in a rapid serial visual presentation task. Targets could have 2, 1, or 0 shared features. Features included shape and size. The second target was presented after five or six different lags after the first target. The task was to detect both targets on each trial. Second-target report accuracy was increased by target-target similarity. This modulation was observed more for mixed-trial design as (...)
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    El campo teórico feminista: aportes epistemológicos y metodológicos.Jarquín Sánchez, María Elena & Marcela Lagarde (eds.) - 2016 - México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades.
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    Yuly Aykhenvald: in search of aesthetic and historiosophical harmony.Elena A. Takho-Godi - 2020 - Studies in East European Thought 72 (3-4):313-331.
    This article explores the question of literary criticism in the context of interactions between literature and philosophy. The best example of such interaction is the legacy of the early twentieth century Russian literary critic, Yuly Aykhenvald. This article gives a brief overview of his works of literary criticism and their thematic repertoire. Aykhenvald’s philosophical background, professional education, and personal connections with renowned Russian thinkers, including Vladimir Solovyov, Fyodor Stepun, and Semyon Frank, are included in an evaluation of Aykhenvald’s position on (...)
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    Problems and ways of transformation of digital support in state structures of municipal administration of the Russian Federation.Nikolay Nikolaevich Vorobyov & Elena Aleksandrovna Bogacheva - 2021 - Kant 39 (2):35-40.
    The purpose of the study is to reveal the essence of digital technologies in the municipal government system, to identify the main problems of their transformation in the territory of the subjects, and to develop directions for the mechanism of adaptation of the relationship between different management structures in the conditions of digitalization of processes. The article considers the author's vision of the development of digital technologies in the territorial aspect. In particular, the problems of technical equipment of remote territories (...)
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  13. Symmetry, quantum mechanics, and beyond.Elena Castellani - 2002 - Foundations of Science 7 (1-2):181-196.
    The relevance of symmetry to today's physics is a widely acknowledged fact. A significant part of recent physical inquiry – especially the physics concerned with investigating the fundamentalbuilding blocks of nature – is grounded on symmetry principles andtheir many and far-reaching consequences. But where these symmetries come from and what their real meaning is are open questions, at the center of a developing debate among physicists and philosophers of science. To tackle the problems arising in considering the symmetry issue is (...)
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    Symmetry and equivalence.Elena Castellani - 2002 - In Katherine Brading & Elena Castellani, Symmetries in Physics: Philosophical Reflections. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 425--436.
  15. Musing: Spectral Phenomenologies: Dwelling Poetically in Professional Philosophy.Elena Flores Ruíz - 2014 - Hypatia 29 (1):196-204.
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    Bruno nel XXI secolo: interpretazioni e ricerche: atti delle giornate di studio (Pisa, 15-16 ottobre 2009).Simonetta Bassi & Maria Elena Severini (eds.) - 2012 - Firenze: L.S. Olschki.
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  17. Fondamenti ontologici per una scienza dei servizi.Andrea Borghini & Elena Casetta - 2012 - Rivista di Estetica 49.
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  18. Power and Nothing: What Causes mistaken Judgement in The Winter's Tale?Elena Glazov-Corrigan & Kevin Corrigan - 2002 - Dionysius 20:199.
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    Mapping the Brain for Math.Carlo Semenza & Elena Salillas - 2015 - In Roi Cohen Kadosh & Ann Dowker, The Oxford Handbook of Numerical Cognition. Oxford University Press UK.
    Brain stimulation techniques allow for the search of crucial areas for a given function. Not always convergent with neuroimaging, TMS studies have targeted parietal areas critical for quantity representation, spatio-numerical links, numerical and non-numerical quantity, finger gnosis and calculation. TMS data indicate the intraparietal sulcus and surrounding areas in the left and right hemisphere as crucial for quantity processing, although left hemisphere might be dominant. Bilateral parietal loci are essential for calculation and bilateral parietal areas are behind the spatio-numerical link, (...)
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    Prosocial Orientation of Russians During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Caring for Others and Yourself.Pavel A. Kislyakov & Elena A. Shmeleva - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:629467.
    To mitigate the potentially devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is vital to identify psychosocial and moral resources. The care, preservation, protection, and well-being of social communities are attributes of prosocial behavior that can be such a resource. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of prosocial orientation of Russian youth during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as to identify strategies for prosocial behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. The sample consisted of 447 people. The study was (...)
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    Sobre questões de imprevisibilidade na cultura: o legado de Lótman para a compreensão dos mecanismos e trabalhos de semioses culturais.Andréia Guimarães Moura, Douglas Galan & Lívia Machado - 2019 - Bakhtiniana 14 (4):211-231.
    RESUMO O presente artigoapresenta reflexões sobre o conceito de “imprevisibilidade” advindas a partir do exercício de tradução para a língua portuguesa da obra Os mecanismos culturais imprevisíveis1, último livro publicado por Iuri Lótman. Mais do que uma explicação completa e definitiva das acepções sobre os trabalhos imprevisíveis da cultura, esboçamos nestes escritos fundamentos de interesse para a constituição de processos semiósicos de nossas particulares preocupações. Dessa forma, apresentam-se para as análises relações imprevisíveis em processos relacionados à ciência e à tecnologia, (...)
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    Satisfaction of university graduates with the quality of education as a benchmark for optimizing the educational process.Natalya Ivanovna Anufrieva, Elena Ivanovna Grigorieva & Alexander Vladlenovich Kamyanets - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):191-196.
    The article is a generalization and analysis of some of the results of the monitoring of the satisfaction of graduates of the Russian State Social University, conducted in 2020. The results of similar monitoring carried out in other higher educational institutions are also considered. The article pays great attention to the relationship of various factors of graduates' satisfaction, corresponding to the prospects for improving the educational process based on the results of monitoring studies. The article may be of interest both (...)
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    Pascal, Kierkegaard, Buber: un nuevo modo de filosofar: la relación como fundamento de la existencia.Catalina Elena Dobre - 2013 - Madrid: Fundación Emmanuel Mounier.
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    Scientific technological policy and institutional management in the Center of development for the Social and Humanity Sciences in Health.María Elena Macías Llanes & Díaz Campos - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (2):333-350.
    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo valorar la contribución del Centro de Desarrollo de las Ciencias Sociales y Humanísticas en Salud a las Ciencias Sociales y Humanísticas en el sector de la Salud de Camagüey, desde la contextualización de la política científica cubana en la proyección estratégica de la entidad. En el mismo se expone la trayectoria de la gestión de la actividad científico-tecnológica del centro. Se utilizó la revisión de los documentos y resultados generados por la entidad y trabajos publicados (...)
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    The evaluation process of serialized scientific publications through the use of indicators.María Elena Macías Llanes, Marcos Enrique Rivero Macías & Jorge Luis Cabrera Cruz - 2015 - Humanidades Médicas 15 (3):440-451.
    La bibliografía reporta amplitud en lo concerniente al campo de la edición de revistas científicas donde los avances científico tecnológicos aportaron una nueva dinámica. Las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación sirven de herramientas y han transformado radicalmente el escenario de la evaluación de la publicación científica. Variedad de perspectivas, instrumentos e indicadores impactan en los procesos de evaluación. El objetivo de este trabajo es ofrecer una valoración del proceso actual de evaluación de las publicaciones científicas seriadas. Los (...)
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    Reading comprehension of scientific texts in the teaching-learning process.Elena María Muñoz Calvo & Muñoz Muñoz - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (3):772-804.
    El desarrollo de habilidades lectoras y el conocimiento de elementos teóricos para la comprensión de los textos científicos es una necesidad en la formación de todo profesional. Para que los futuros egresados puedan comprender esta tipología textual es necesario que cada docente, desde las diferentes asignaturas del currículo escolar, le ofrezcan las herramientas necesarias para interactuar con estos. Por tal motivo este trabajo tiene como objetivo realizar una revisión bibliográfica de los aspectos esenciales acerca de la comprensión lectora y en (...)
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    Politeja. Plato & Elena Koleva - 2002 - Skopje: TRI. Edited by Elena Koleva.
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    The Impact of Failures and Successes on Affect and Self-Esteem in Young and Older Adults.Alessia Rosi, Elena Cavallini, Nadia Gamboz, Tomaso Vecchi, Floris Tijmen Van Vugt & Riccardo Russo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:449039.
    Little is known about the impact of success and failure events on age-related changes in affect states and, particularly, in self-esteem levels. To fill this gap in the literature, in the present study changes in affect and self-esteem in 100 young (19 - 30 years) and 102 older adults (65-81 years) were assessed after participants experienced success and failure in a demanding cognitive task. Overall, the success-failure manipulation induced changes on affect states and on state self-esteem, not on trait self-esteem. (...)
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    Scientific Methods and Creative Practices. An Evaluation of Constraints and Possibilities in an Experimental Research Environment.Elena Bougleux - 2009 - World Futures 65 (8):560-567.
    How do scientists who devote their entire lives to solving a small problem in theoretical physics work? What causes a team of young researchers to be completely devoted to its work? What do they share with and what distinguishes them from teams who do not have creativity as a necessary goal of their mission? This article discusses some possible answers to these questions, starting from a research team in physics, in which the author took part as a researcher over a (...)
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  30. Mourning (as) woman: event, catachresis, and "that other face of discourse": poiesis of alterity.Athena Athanasiou & Elena Tzelepis - 2010 - In Elena Tzelepis & Athena Athanasiou, Rewriting Difference: Luce Irigaray and ‘the Greeks’. State University of New York Press.
  31. Sovremennai︠a︡ burzhuaznai︠a︡ kul'tura i "neogumanizm.".Elena Vladimirovna Bogoli︠u︡bova - 1971 - Moskva,: Izd-vo Mosk. un-ta.
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  32. Usos políticos da leucopenia e diferença racial no Brasil contemporâneo.Elena Calvo-Gonzáles - 2012 - In Ricardo Ventura Santos, Sahra Gibbon & Jane Felipe Beltrão, Identidades emergentes, genética e saúde: perspectivas antropológicas. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Fiocruz.
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    Alien Landscapes? Interpreting Disordered Minds.Oana Elena Strugaru - 2016 - The European Legacy 21 (1):119-121.
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    : Confucian Constitutionalism: Dignity, Rights, and Democracy.Elena Ziliotti - 2024 - Ethics 135 (2):351-355.
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    Intelligence versus Rationality.Elena Achkovska Leshkovska - 2017 - Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje 70:139-156.
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    Innovación educativa para el fortalecimiento del enfoque Ciencia-Tecnología-Sociedad en la educación postgraduada.Maria Elena Macías Llanes, Rosa Aguirre del Busto, Jorge Luis Quintana Torres, Doris Prieto Ramírez & Jorge Álvarez Vázquez - 2003 - Humanidades Médicas 3 (3):0-0.
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    La Critique de la tolérance.Sorin-Tudor Maxim & Elena Maxim - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 10:495-506.
    A critical approach on tolerance can be done as an endeavor to asset its rational arguments brought in its support or/and as a justification of its moral value within the process of human being completion. The commitment to such critical task is more necessary as it is unyieldingness summon in contemporary debates in political religious and, especially moral contexts, it has been equally valorized and contested. The most remarkable analyses of this rather summary rubric for many and often contradictory connotations, (...)
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  38. Nonideal theory, self-respect, and preimplantation genetic technologies.Clair Morrissey & Elena Neale - 2019 - In E. Sills & Gianpiero Palermo, Human Embryos and Preimplantation Genetic Technologies. Elsevier Academic Press. pp. 67-74.
    We suggest a fuller understanding of the obligation to respect patient autonomy can be gained by recognizing patients as historically and socially situated agents, whose values are developed, challenged, and changed, rather than merely applied, in their decision-making about their use of preimplantation genetic diagnosis or preimplantation genetic screening (PGD/PGS). We ground this discussion in empirical research on the patients experiences with PGD/PGS, and conclude by suggesting that promoting patients’ self-respect is a useful ethical standard for providers and practices to (...)
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  39. En los márgenes del derecho antidiscriminatorio: prostitución y derechos de las mujeres.María Elena Beltrán Pedreira - 2011 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 45:43-63.
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    Nursing care planning for terminally ill cancer patients receiving home care.Carlo Peruselli, Elena Camporesi, A. Maria Colombo & Monica Cucci - forthcoming - Journal of Palliative Care.
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  41. Tecnologia dell'architettura per la progettazione ambientale.Fabrizio Schiaffonati, Elena Mussinelli & Matteo Gambaro - forthcoming - Techne.
  42. Down to Earth: Detemporalization in Capitalist Russia.Svetlana Stephenson & Elena Danilova - 2010 - Radical Philosophy 159:33.
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    5 Unexpected Consequences and an Unanticipated Outcome.Marilyn Strathern & Elena Khlinovskaya Rockhill - 2013 - In Andrew Barry & Georgina Born, Interdisciplinarity: reconfigurations of the social and natural sciences. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Avangard na Dalʹnem Vostoke: "Zelenai︠a︡ koshka", Burli︠u︡k i drugie.Elena Turchinskai︠a︡ - 2011 - Sankt-Peterburg: Aleteĭi︠a︡.
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    A ditadura militar na Argentina: do esquecimento à memória total.Maria Elena Walsh & León Gieco - 2008 - In Reis Filho, Daniel Aarão & Denis Rolland, Modernidades alternativas. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil: FGV Editora.
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    Homo ecologicus: concepts, discourses, practices.Elena Grednovskaya, Yevgenia Emchenko & Dmitry Solomko - forthcoming - Sotsium I Vlast.
    Introduction. The article raises the problem of categorical expression of forming and preserving in active reproduction of the ecological worldview of the modern era man, oriented on building optimal human relations with the constantly technologicalizing and digitalizing world. The elaboration of the content of the main terms of the problem under consideration is reflected not only in the analysis of modern scientific and public discourse on the subject, but also in the materials of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference “Modern materials and (...)
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    Preformation vs. Epigenesis: Inspiration and Haunting Within and Outside Contemporary Philosophy of Biology.Elena Casetta - 2020 - Rivista di Estetica 74:119-138.
    The 17th and 18th centuries were the theatre of the fight between two main theories concerning the development of organisms: preformationism (or preformism) and epigeneticism (or epigenesis). According to the first, the formation of new features during organisms’ development can be seen as the result of a mere unfolding of features that were preformed in the sperm, the egg, or the zygote. According to epigeneticism, there is no pre-existing form, and development is a process where genuinely new characters emerge from (...)
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    A Framework to Introduce Leadership for Sustainability in Higher Education.Elena Cavagnaro & George H. Curiel - 2006 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 17:286-291.
    This article introduces a different insight on the role of leadership in the process to develop sustainability and achieve lasting improvement in quality of life. Authors bring together the societal, organizational and individual levels of sustainability in one conceptual framework and discuss the interconnectedness among these three levels. The conclusion is that an effective approach to sustainability starts from the inside, i.e. from the individual level. This implies a decisive role for personal leadership in the change path towards sustainability. It (...)
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  49. L'imperfezione della storia nel De civitate Dei di Agostino.Elena Cavalcanti - 1999 - Studium 95 (2):215-224.
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    On Small Steps and Big Leaps: Exploring the Perception of CSR, its Rewards and Difficulties by Micro Firms in the North Netherlands.Elena Cavagnaro & Yvonne Burema - 2009 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 20:89-102.
    Across Europe, micro firms (SMEs with up to 10 employees) account for the vast majority of business activities. Supporting micro firms in the transition towards sustainability is essential: many small steps will result in a big leap. To this scope knowledge is needed on the specific challenges encountered by micro firms in the region they operate in. The research presented here offers a contribution to this knowledge. It explores the perception of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), its rewards and difficulties by (...)
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